英文: Recently the sub-hypothermia induced by hypothermic regional arterial perfusion is proved to be the most effective method to reach the goal, including hypothermic normal saline with no influences on whole body temperature, cardiac rhythm and blood coagula
中文: 低温液体或白体血液灌洲是日前最有效的降温方式,而且局部动脉内灌注低泪液体更可以快速实现局部亚低温介入技术的进步使得快速局部动脉内低温液体灌注成为可能。
英文: Effect of high flow oxygen therapy in the glottal prozone upon on cardiac rhythm and electrocardiac activity in brain death patients
中文: 呼吸停止病人声门前高浓度输氧对心律与心电活动的影响