英文: The Tantrics believed that self-mastery was to be tested amidst family life, the tumult of town and marketplace, the awesome spectacles of a cremation ground, and the dangers of isolated wilderness areas.
中文: 坦陀罗者认为自我克制会在家庭生活、市镇和商场的吵闹、火葬的场面当中受到考验,而且还有受到孤立的危险性。
英文: Those who have attained self-mastery can be seen and contacted through focusing the light in the head. This power is developed in one-pointed meditation.
中文: 以上所能完美体现出来的皆是通过自我调控令头内光线聚焦而产生相应的联系。此超觉能力经冥想而得以开发。