英文: A boy of six who became the youngest artist to have work displayed at a British Watercolour Society exhibi-tion。
中文: 近日,在英国水彩画学会第100届画展上,年仅6岁的爱德华·辛普森不但是最小的参展者,还是惟一一个在画展上卖掉自己全部作品的人。
英文: A boy of six who became the youngest artist to have work displayed at a British Watercolour Society exhibition promptly sold every painting on show.
中文: 近日,在英国水彩画学会第100届画展上,年仅6岁的爱德华·辛普森不但是最小的参展者,还是惟一一个在画展上卖掉自己全部作品的人。
英文: But for this Art Attack you just need ordinary watercolour paints and tracing paper!
中文: 但是在本节目中,你只需要普通的水彩颜料和描图纸就可以了!
英文: Like a painter's palette, colours are represented in a gouache or watercolour mode emphasizing the importance of irregularity and complexity in dying processes.
中文: 08秋冬男装面料的色彩有如画家手中的调色盘,它们呈现出水粉或者水彩的风格,强调的是调色过程中的无规律和复杂性。
英文: These paintings executed with watercolour and ink show the same visual strength and vitality as his oil paintings.
中文: 这些采用水墨处理的画作表现出了与其油画作品相同的视觉力量和活力。