英文: It is a momentous day for the football club,he says. It is without doubt the biggest deal in our history and one that we are all very excited about.
中文: 他在执掌厄普敦公园之后操作了多次重量级转会。但是没有一次比得上这次引人两人的动作。他表示俱乐部将因此上一个档次。
英文: We have a strong structure of a deal in place. We'll get it done.
中文: 我们有个足够强的建队方针,会搞定的。
英文: 1 Although the languages of various regions are so different that they are mutually unintelligible, they have a great deal in common in their basic principals, and in the way they approach certain specific problems of communication.
中文: 1虽然不同地区的语言因差异巨大而互不相通,然而从语言的基本原理以及对一些具体的交际问题的处理方上看,它们却有着许多共同之处。
英文: A Director must not deal in any securities of the Company without first notifying in writing the chairman or a Director (other than himself) designated by the board for the specific purpose and receiving a dated written acknowledgement.
中文: 董事于未书面通知主席(或董事会为此而指定的另一名董事(该董事本人以外的董事))及接获注明日期的确认书之前,均不得买卖公司的任何证券。
英文: A land-for-peace deal in the West Bank and Golan remains Israel's best hope of security.
中文: 在约旦河西岸以及戈兰高地的问题上采取类似“土地换和平”的交易是以色列谋求安全的最大希望。