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parallel connection


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英文: Choose the cable type according to power supply condition and power net load ,decide if use parallel connection or series connection type cables, single phase or three phase type cables.

中文: 根据供电条件、电网负荷及电伴热带使用长度等因素来选择电伴热带的型式、电压等级,以便确定是用并联式还是串联式?        更详细...
英文: Diangong Solar commercial central energy-saving water eating system is a large scale(tons to hundreds of tons)hot water supply system ofrmed in the way of collecting solar heat collectors into a large area or the series-parallel connection of large-capaci

中文: 电工太阳能商用中央节能热水系统采用太阳能集热器大面积联集方式或大容量单台热水器串并联方式集成大型(数吨~数百吨)热水供应系统,以常规能源(油、气、电、)热水装置的替代产品,高效、安全、节能、环保、经济、节能效率最高达75%,一次性投资2-4年确保回收,广泛适用于宾馆、酒店、招待所、医院、部队、学校、厂矿企业单位、公共浴室/桑拿中心、游泳馆/体育场馆等生活生产热水供应,成为节能增效新源头。        更详细...
英文: Heating principle of intermediate frequency induction furnace and some factors affecting its power factor are discussed, Some betterments that parallel connection spacer circuit is replaced by interfusion connection spacer circuit are put in practice.

中文: 摘要对中频感应炉的加热原理以及其功率因数的影响因数进行了探讨,并将不能恒功率输出的并联逆变电路改进为混联逆变电路。        更详细...
英文: The said energy storing water tank consists of warm water storage tank of multiple stage heating and hot water storage tank, in parallel connection with multi-stage confluent water-heating tank.

中文: 所述的储能水箱是一个以上的水箱,储能水箱包括分级加热式温水储热水箱及终温储热水箱,分级加热式汇流热水箱与分级加热式温水储热水箱及终温储热水箱间的连接是并联连接。        更详细...
英文: Three phase parallel connection heating cables are suitable forthethermal insulation of pipes with big diameters, pipe lines in nets and tanks.

中文: 三相并联带一般适用于大管径,管网系统管线和罐体的伴热保温。        更详细...

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