英文: Fresh seeds have a fully-developed embryo and a water-permeable seed coat and endocarp, and they require >4 wk to germinate in a warm temperature regime.
中文: 新鲜种子具有发育完全的胚,以及水分可通透的种皮和内果皮,但它们却需要4周以上时间才开始发芽。
英文: Severe beating at blow room which has caused seed coat fragmentation.
中文: 棉籽壳在滤尘室遭到剧烈的开松,以至破裂。
英文: The methods for breaking dormancy in hard seeds are generally classified into physical, chemical and biological treatments, which hasten germination by improving seed coat permeability, gas exchange, and water entrance and relieve mechanical constraints.
中文: 硬实的处理方法大体可分物理、化学和生物3类,这些方法通过改善种皮的通透性,促进气体交换和水分进入,消除机械限制而促进萌发。
英文: The results indicated that the following characters were the important roles between any two character groups, plant height, yield per plant, seed coat ratio, yellow degree.
中文: 结果表明,在性状组间关联上起主要作用的是株型性状中的株高、产量性状中的单株粒重、品质性状中的皮壳率和黄籽度。
英文: When sowing, the best germination rate ( 8.7%) was obtainedafter seeds peeled off the seed coat and imbibed 00 mg·L- GA for 0 d.
中文: 土壤播种时,用0~000mg·L-GA 对去掉外种皮种子进行~0d前处理,其中00mg·L-GA 前处理0d的发芽率最高,达到 8.7%。