英文: In order to solve the problem of the difficulty for the complicated shell in stripping away from the mould, the technical trait of the complicated shell has been analyzed, the twi-ejector using stripper plate and ejector sleeve has been designed, the moul
中文: 摘要针对复杂壳体压铸件难以脱模的问题,分析了复杂壳体的工艺特性,设计了卸料板、推管二次推出压铸模,论述了模具工作原理和结构特点,并且通过胀型力的计算选择了压铸机。
英文: The pendulum block of the ejector on this mould makes the velocity different between the stripper plate and the ejector sleeve, which realizes the twi-ejection, and thus solves the problem of the casting distortion.
中文: 该模具推出机构的异形摆块使卸料板和推管产生速度差,实现铸件的二次推出,解决了工件变形的问题。