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male sterile


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英文: Abstract: The authors analyze the current status of hybrid rice breeding for superior high-yielding.The breeding strategies for superior high-yielding in hybrid rice by core approaches as the utilization of wide compatibel restorer lines and male sterile

中文: 文摘:分析了我国杂交稻超高产育种的现状,着重讨论了以创制广亲和恢复系和广亲和不育系以及理想株型塑造等为核心的杂交稻产量超高产育种策略,并提出了今后应加强的研究内容。        更详细...
英文: And there existed a turning point in the growth curve of the stamens and pistils of male sterile lines at the same time, but in different directions.

中文: 大多数不育系雌雄蕊的发育曲线存在拐点,它们出现拐点的时期相同,但方向完全相反。        更详细...
英文: The male sterile lines and their respective maintainer lines of Brassica napus, B. campestris and B. juncea were chosen as the parents in interspecific crosses with B. napus, B. campestris, B. juncea and Eruca sativa in order to investigate male sterile c

中文: 摘要选择甘蓝型、白菜型、芥菜型三种类型油菜雄性不育系和保持系分别与甘蓝型、白菜型、芥莱型油菜和芸芥进行种间杂交,研究十字花科种间杂交亲和性雄性不育细胞质遗传效应。        更详细...
英文: The results showed that the compatibility indexes were obviously higher when the male sterile lines were used as the female parent than when their respective maintainer counterparts were used as the female parent, indicating the male sterile cytoplasmic e

中文: 结果表明:三种类型的不育系均有一致的趋向,即用不育系和保持系与同一亲本杂交的亲和指数,不育系作母本的明显高于以保持系作母本的组合,表明十字花科种间杂交亲和性具有雄性不育细胞质遗传效应。        更详细...
英文: The ultrastructural changes of microspore mother cells and tapetal cells in anthers during the abortion of male sterile cotton Kang Awere observed by comparing with its maintainer Kang Band by using transmission electron microscopy.

中文: 摘要以棉花细胞质雄性不育系“抗A”为材料,以其同核异质保持系“抗B”为对照,用透射电子显微镜技术,观察了不育系败育过程中小抱子母细胞与绒毡层细胞超微结构的变化。        更详细...

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