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英文: AP) - DETROIT-A dozen nieces and nephews of civil rights icon Rosa Parks have filed an objection to her will in hopes of gaining control of the use of her name and image.

中文: 底特律,密歇根州——民权偶像罗莎·帕克斯的一打侄子、侄女已就其遗嘱提出了法律异议以冀望控制其姓名权和肖像权的使用。        更详细...
英文: About a half-hour before the deadline, a SWAT team used explosives to blow a hole in a classroom wall in hopes of getting a clear shot at him, but they couldn't see him through the gap, and they blew the door off the hinges to get inside, said Lance Clem,

中文: 国家公众安全部门发言人说,大约三点半的时候,一支特警队炸开了一间教室的墙壁,希望能更好的瞄准莫里森,将他击毙,但通过洞口仍无法看到他,于是特警队就破门而入了。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: Advances in odor control and dehydration technology for animal manure in the world are reviewed, with emphasis on detailed introduction to the development of bio-drying techniques in hopes of promoting rise of the technical level of the treatmen

中文: 文摘:综述了近几年来国内外畜禽烘便除臭及脱水技术的研究进展,其中对生物干燥技术的发展进行了比较详细的介绍,以期推动我国畜禽粪便处理技术水平的提高。        更详细...
英文: As the festival draws near,1 shops try to outdo each other in hopes of producing the fanciest2 decorations.

中文: 七夕节临近的时候,商家争奇斗胜,希望能生产出最缤纷的装饰。        更详细...
英文: Based on the present situation of strong competition in opening new major-animation among universities, this paper analyzes the four issues to be faced with in animation teaching, in hopes of giving inspirations for our teaching.

中文: 摘要针对目前许多高校竞相开办动画专业的现状,分析探讨了高校动画教学过程中所必须面临的问题,以期对动画教学有所启示。        更详细...

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