英文: Where in the course of survey or design, any repeating work, work stoppage or change of design occurs due to the developer's change of plan, the incorrect information provided by it, or its failure to provide the working conditions necessary for the surve
中文: 第二百八十五条因发包人变更计划,提供的资料不准确,或者未按照期限提供必需的勘察、设计工作条件而造成勘察、设计的返工、停工或者修改设计,发包人应当按照勘察人、设计人实际消耗的工作量增付费用。
英文: Where the developer fails to timely conduct inspection, the contractor may extend the relevant project milestones, and is entitled to claim damages for work stoppage or work slowdown, etc.
中文: 发包人没有及时检查的,承包人可以顺延工程日期,并有权要求赔偿停工、窝工等损失。