英文: 20 per cent of suicide victims died in 2001 from charcoal burning in Hong Kong.
中文: 二零零一年,本港百分之二十的自杀人士死于烧炭。
英文: A bell on the Virginia Tech campus tolled 32 times for each of the shooting victims in last week′s massacre.
中文: 弗吉尼亚工学院的钟敲响32下,以悼念上周校园血案中的每一位死难者。
英文: [COLOR=red]1.The search has begun for victims in the Indonesia earthquake ,a massive 8.4quake hit on Sumatra Island .At least 10 people have died .Tsunami warings line the Indian Ocean.
中文: 苏门答腊岛地区遭到里氏8.4级地震的袭击,至少已经有10人在地震中丧生,对遇难者的搜救工作也已经展开.海啸的危险正威胁着印度洋沿岸的国家.
英文: [NIV] His victims are crushed, they collapse; they fall under his strength.
中文: 10[和合]他屈身蹲伏,无倚无靠的人就倒在他爪牙之下(“爪牙”或作“强暴人”)。
英文: “Nothing can be more shocking and horrid than one of our kitchens sprinkled with blood and abounding with the cries of expiring victims or with the limbs of dead animals scattered or hung up here and there.
中文: 「我们何以知道我们比其他动物,像狗,只是高等一点点,我们就可以为了好奇或想为我们所用,就拥有对其他动物的生杀大权呢?」