英文: Astronomers suspect that our Hubble volume has at least 1020 habitable planets; some might well look like Earth.
中文: 天文学家猜测,在我们的哈伯体积之中,至少有1020颗适合居住的行星;其中有些看起来可能根本和地球没有两样。
英文: But scientists say the increasing rate at which they're finding new exoplanets makes it almost certain that the galaxy is swarming with smaller, rocky, and potentially habitable worlds that have so far eluded detection.
中文: 但是科学家认为这些外部行星被发现的比率的上升几乎确定了银河充满了我们目前还没侦测到的小的,固态并有可能适合居住的行星。
英文: Earth has become uninhabitable and the surviving humans are fleeing to Mars.
中文: 地球已经变得无法居住,幸存的人纷纷逃离至火星.
英文: Europe's Mediterranean shores could become barely habitable in summers, while the Alps could shift from snowy winter destinations to summer havens from the heat.
中文: 欧洲地中海沿岸在夏天将变得仅能勉强供人类居住,而阿尔卑斯山区将从冬季旅游景点变成夏季避暑胜地.
英文: In the past, when population grew, there was unexplored territory to inhabit. But now, almost all the habitable land has been explored.
中文: 过去,人口增长时,有未开发的土地用于居住。但是现在,几乎所有的居住用地都已经被开发了。