英文: Calyx tube constricted at apex; petals 5, white, with pellucid dots, pubescent; fertile stamens 5; filaments longer than petals, anthers 1.5-2.5 mm long, pubescent; staminodes 15, 10 of them gland-like, ovoid, inserted on the base of filaments, rest 5 glo
中文: 花萼管顶端稍缢缩;花瓣5,白色,有透明腺点,被短柔毛;发育雄蕊5枚,花丝长于花瓣,花约1.5-2.5毫米,被短柔毛;退化雄蕊15枚,其中10枚腺体状,卵球形,著生于发育雄蕊花丝基部,另5枚球形;花柱被柔毛,柱头鸡冠状。
英文: If the sepals are joined at their lateral margins a calyx tube is formed, the mouth of which may be extended into lobes or teeth.
中文: 有的花萼的一边生出短小的管状突起,称为距,它可以延伸进入其他的结构。