英文: For, contrary to the semi-deification of the historical Buddha by Northern Buddhism into a kind of metaphysical essence manifesting itself in a threefold manner1 strongly suggestive of the Christian Trinity, Southern Buddhism insists that the Buddha is es
中文: 与北传佛教将历史上的佛陀半神化为超自然存在并以三种形式显圣(这一点与基督教的三位一体切合)不同,南传佛教认为佛陀是一个完美的人,并且直截了当地否定了任何一种至高无上的唯一神的存在。
英文: The phoenix is an abstract mark which expresses the hominid's life consciousness, with an expectation of the eternal life immortal, and the phoenix's nirvana is the deification and the distortion of a ceremony which prays for rain in ancient times, alread
中文: 凤凰是原始人表达自己生命意识的抽象符号,蕴含了原始初民对生命不朽的渴望,而凤凰涅盘则是远古时期祈雨仪式的神化和变形,已然成为死而复生原型的载体。