英文: Little Reggie,the smaller of two alligators at large in Los Angeles, was behind bars on Friday after firefighters ended a tense standoff by hauling the thrashing reptile from a drainage canal.
中文: 美国洛杉矶官员日前表示,正当他们为一只最近频频现身于马查多湖的大美洲鳄鱼愁得焦头烂额时,附近地区又出现了第2只鳄鱼。
英文: A first edition of a Donald Duck comic book from 1948 has been held behind bars in Sweden for a year-and-a-half amid a divorcing couple's drawn-out custody battle.
中文: 一本1948年首次出版的唐老鸭漫画书在瑞典卷入一对夫妇的漫长离婚官司。夫妇二人对这本漫画书的保管权争执不休,致使该书被瑞典警方“关押”了一年半。
英文: Actor Robert Downey Jr. was back behind bars Saturday night after he was arrested in Palm Springs, Calif., for drug possession .
中文: 持有毒品;好莱坞影星小罗伯特·唐尼因为非法持有毒品被警方逮捕。
英文: Harry spent most of his formative years there padlocked in the cupboard under the stairs, or behind bars in the smallest first-floor bedroom, living on hope and smuggled birthday cake.
中文: 哈利在这所房子楼梯下面的壁橱里度过了成长的时光,在1楼的那个小房间里,他还吃到了偷带进来的生日蛋糕。
英文: It's two and a half years behind bars for Scooter Libby, the Vice President's former chief of staff and he will pay a fine of 250,000 dollars, all for lying and obstruction in a CIA leak probe.
中文: 在度过了两年半的铁窗生活后,前任总统的幕僚长因在一起中情局的泄密案中撒谎和妨碍公务,还将交纳25万美金罚款。