英文: A fast Air Dry Topcoat that leaves polish with a high gloss, durable finish in 35 minutes. Non-yellowing and chip resistant.
中文: 空气快干表层剂在3至5分钟内迅速干燥,产生持久光亮的动人效果。无黄变现象,无剥?湎窒蟆?
英文: Blotchy interveinal yellow-green mottling and marginal yellowing of expanded leaflets; irregular brown necrotic patches; wavy margins and down-curved leaf tips.
中文: 矮生菜豆缺锌:带泡的脉间形成黄绿色斑纹,展开的小叶边缘黄化及不规则的褐色坏死斑点,波浪形边缘,叶尖向下卷曲.
英文: I agree with him, however, that the two-volume Business Cycles of 1939 was a massive failure, in both senses of the phrase. (I still have the yellowing copy that I bought as a student.
中文: 然而我同意他,1939年的两卷本《经济周期》毫无疑问是个巨大的失败(我仍然有我学生时买的那个黄色版本)。
英文: Jaundice is a yellowing of the eyes and skin caused by impairment in bile flow from the liver to the intestine.
中文: 黄疸是由于胆汁从肝脏流入肠道受阻所导致的眼和皮肤黄染。
英文: The presence of excess carotene in the blood, often resulting in yellowing of the skin.
中文: 胡萝卜血症血液中出现过量的胡萝卜素,经常引起肤色发黄