英文: However, conventional SOMs handle only numerical data, categorical data has to be converted to Boolean data resulting in unable to disclosure the similarity among the high-dimensional data.
中文: 然而,传统自组映射图只能处理数值型资料,种类型资料必须透过编码转换成一群二元数值型态资料,因而无法反映种类型资料值之间的相似程度。
英文: This paper propose a refined self-organizing map that can directly handle categorical data or hybrid data, map the data to lower dimensions, and also uncover the similarity among data.
中文: 本研究针对此问题,提出改良式自组映射图,能直接处理种类型态或混合型态的资料,同时在投射后的低维度空间,反映高维度资料之间的相似度。