英文: The first teacher in space taught her first lesson in zero-gravity Tuesday, answering questions from school children in Idaho from the orbiting International Space Station hundreds of miles above Earth.
中文: 首个登上太空的老师周二在零重力状态下教了她的第一堂课,从距地面数百英里的国际空间站上回答了身在爱达荷州的学生的提问。
英文: When he proposed to Graciela Asturias, a 27-year-old space enthusiast, they were on a 90-minute zero-gravity flight aboard a Boeing 727.
中文: 当他向27岁的太空迷葛蕾西耶拉.阿斯图莉亚斯求婚时,他们正在一架波音727型飞机上,体验长达90分钟的无重力飞行。