英文: The unnatural eating of flesh-meats is as polluting as the heathen worship of devils with its sacrifices and impure feasts.
中文: “吃肉这种残忍的行为就象用不纯洁的祭品和酒宴祭拜魔鬼的异教徒礼拜式一样肮脏”。
英文: A fusion menu featuring fresh seafood and meats made with local ingredients provides plenty of options, including a fresh prawn salad, Indian-inspired Biryani pasta, as well as vegetarian, vegan, halaal and kosher choices.
中文: 在这里的菜单中,新鲜的水产品和当时特产调料烹制的肉类食物种类丰富,包括新鲜的明虾沙拉、印度比亚尼风味烤饼以及蔬菜。
英文: All the canned fruits and meats are to be packed in cartons.
中文: 所有水果和肉罐头都用纸板箱包装。
英文: Avoid gorging on fried food, cream-based soups, cheese-filled casseroles, pies, processed meats such as salami, and baked goods.
中文: 尽量不暴食油炸食品、奶油汤、添加奶酪的砂锅菜、馅饼和如意大利腊肠之类的肉类加工制品及烘焙食物。
英文: Beef and goat are the most popular meats in Botswana, while sorghum and maize are the main grains eaten.
中文: 牛肉与山羊肉是波札那人最喜爱的肉类,高梁与玉蜀黍则为主食。