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literary works

【法】 文学作品

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英文: A famous writer in the Southern dynasty, Yan Yanzhi wrote a lot of literary works throughout his life, leading the then literati.

中文: 摘要颜延之是南朝宋重要的文学家,一生写作了大量的诗文,为当时的文坛领袖。        更详细...
英文: A large amount of Chinese ancient literary works are arranged in the new edition of Chinese textbook for senior middle school published by People's Education Press, which makes greater demands on curriculums of Chinese ancient literature in normal college

中文: 摘要在人教版新编高中语文教材中,编排了大量中国古代文学作品,这对高师古代文学课程教学提出了新的要求。        更详细...
英文: A self~closing phenomena, which is an anticultural nonmainstream and rejects reality, exists in some current literary works in which feminism finds extreme expression and in which the narration is extraordinarily dependent on the male's lust of peep.

中文: 摘要当下一些比较极端化的女性主义文学作品,存在着反文化、非主流、拒斥现实的自闭现象,其文体叙述有着对男性窥视欲望非同一般的依赖。        更详细...
英文: As a result, I interpreted the literary works in the War as a product under the influence of the contradictory of the policies for Kominka (imperialization) and eugenics pushed with the colonial government.

中文: 因为前者作为战时的产物,深受皇民化与殖民政府所强烈推行之优生学二政策间矛盾的影响。        更详细...
英文: As to choosing translation materials, he asks only first-class literary works to he translated; In language form, he advocates translating in the vernacular; In methods of translation, he appreciates the combination of literal translation &free translatio

中文: 在语言形式上,他主张全用白话;在翻译的选材上,他要求只译一流作品;在翻译方法上,他推崇直译意译的圆满调和;在翻译批评与从译态度上,他提倡客观、谨严、务实的作风。        更详细...

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