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energy consumption


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英文: A straight inlet baghouse which can effectively reduce energy consumption of equipment in operation and lengthen the service life of fabric bags, as well as gas flow structure in the tank body have been presented, and numerically simulating the gas flow d

中文: 摘要介绍了能有效降低设备运行能耗、提高滤袋寿命的直通式袋式除尘器及其箱体气体流通结构,并利用CFD方法对箱体流量分配和气流分布进行数值模拟,给出了实现箱体流量合理分配的气流分布板结构调整方法和参数。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: In accordance with the current thermotechnical behaviors of domestic tunnel kilns using different firing fuels,such as thermal utilization ratio and energy consumption per kilogram of porcelain,the influence of various firing fuels properties an

中文: 文摘:从国内现有使用不同燃料的陶瓷隧道窑的热能利用率、千克瓷能耗等热工性能的现状,分析了各种燃料的燃烧性能及不同的燃烧系统设置对窑炉热工性能的影响,认为洁净的气体燃料和轻油是生产高档产品的优质燃料。        更详细...
英文: According to the characteristic high energy consumption of heating ventilation air condition in chemical fiber plant, the paper has raised the correspondent methods to reclaim and utilize steam condensation water to decrease the energy consumption.

中文: 结合化纤厂大量冷凝水未回收的实际,按照由易到难的原则,提出了相应的回收方案,并进行实施,取得明显经济效益。        更详细...
英文: According to the characteristic high energy consumption of heating ventlating and air conditioning in chemical fibre plant, the paper figured out the reasons of the high energy consumption and raised the correspondent methods to decrease the energy consum

中文: 摘要根据化纤厂暖通空调是能耗大户的特点,从热力系统、制冷系统、水系统、空调系统等方面进行分析,总结出耗能原因,并提出相应的节能措施。        更详细...
英文: Aiming at the status of large energy consumption in ship air conditioning systems, considers that energy saving and efficiency improving mainly rely on operation maintenance and management for those ships in service, while the new techniques such as varia

中文: 摘要针对船舶空调系统能耗较大的现状,认为现有船舶应立足于在运行过程中加强对系统的维护管理,以实现节能增效;新造船舶或改装的船舶,应采用压缩机、风机变频技术以及利用电子膨胀阀调节制冷量,以实现更大程度的节能。        更详细...

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