英文: While part of this land is later used for highly productive tree crop agriculture (oil palm, rubber, cocoa), about 200,000 ha end up every year as anthropic savanna, dominated by the noxious grass Imperata cylindrica (alang alang).
中文: 其中部分土壤后来开发为生产力较高的经济树种农用地(油棕榈、橡胶、可可),而每年大约20万公顷则变成受人为活动影响的热带稀树草原,主要由毒草白茅(又名印度白茅)组成。
英文: Methods UV was used to detect the absorption force and tannis in Carbonized Imperata Cylindrica by different kinds of processing methods.
中文: 方法采用分光光度法,测定不同工艺炮制的茅根炭吸附力的大小和鞣质含量。