英文: After the defection last September of one centre-left senator, he had the same number of elected senators in the upper house as the opposition leader, Silvio Berlusconi.
中文: 自从去年九月中左联盟的一位参议员倒戈之后,他与自己的老冤家,(保守派领导人)贝卢斯科尼在上议院拥有的席位就持平了。
英文: And whereas in most bicameral systems the upper house has fewer members than the lower, the Lords outnumber the Commons by 746 members to 639.
中文: 在人数方面,多数两院制政体中上院往往少于下院,而英国的上院人数多达746,远远超过下院的639人。
英文: HE MAY be lumbered with a nine-party coalition and a one-seat majority in the upper house of parliament.
中文: 由于九党联盟执政,而且在上议院仅占一席多数,他可能步履维艰。
英文: However, the Upper House election in July dealt a blow to the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and particularly to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who favors a greater international role for Japan's military.
中文: 但是,七月份的日本上议院选举给执政的自民党,特别是一直倡导日本的军事力量应当发挥更大国际作用的安倍晋三首相带来了沉重的打击。
英文: It is the first time an opposition party has taken control of the upper house since the LDP came to power in 1955.
中文: 这是自1955年自民党执政以来首次由反对党掌控参议院。