英文: The complicated exchange of information that occurs during a kiss may inform evolved, unconscious mechanisms about instances of possible genetic incompatibility,Gallup says.
中文: 发生在接吻中的复杂的信息交换,也许提示出有关基因不相容的作用机理。这方面的实例已经存在,但机理尚不明了。
英文: The democratization and dissemination of information throughout the network in all directions irrespective of organizational position ...
中文: 五、分布式的决策。信息自由地为获得授权的员工共享将造成?过程自然被分散而遍布到整个组织。
英文: 18 Emphasis on the development of information technology has enabled us to have the edge on our competitors in terms of analyzing the global information and distributing this to our customer base.
中文: 18对信息技术开发的重视使我们能够在分析全球性信息以及在我们的客户圈内传播这些信息方面战胜竞争对手。
英文: 36 covers the fundamentals of digital communications and networking, including the basics of information theory, sampling and quantization, coding, modulation, signal detection and system performance in the presence of noise.
中文: 36包含数位通讯和网络基础,其中计有基本的资讯理论、取样及量化、编码、调变、讯号侦测及有杂讯时的系统效能。
英文: 5 Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more information with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.
中文: 现在能够比以前更可能快的速度来储存和发射更多的信息给更多的地方这一技术的发展与大量的信息结合在一起。