英文: Conclusions Microwave coagulation intracavitary treatment of varicose veins in lower extremities has more advantages, such as minimally invasive, little pain, quick recovery, good cosmetic effect, better result, fewer complications, and simplicity of oper
中文: 结论微波血管腔内微创治疗下肢浅静脉曲张,具有微创、患者痛苦小、恢复快、美观、疗效好、并发症少、手术操作简捷等优点。
英文: Methods Treatment group: The varicosities of greater saphenous vein were treated by microwave coagulation intracavitary treatment together with injection coagulation treatment of its tributaries.
中文: 方法治疗组采用微波血管腔内凝固封闭大隐静脉结合属支曲张静脉穿刺凝固方法。