英文: It is as though a Martian came to visit Earth and landed in an old-age home where everyone was an octogenarian.
中文: 这好比火星人造访地球,却降落在养老院,触目所及尽是80多岁的老人。
英文: She is very active for an octogenarian.
中文: 她已经是八旬老人了, 还很精神.
英文: The octogenarian, who is a vegetarian and has never smoked cigarettes or drunk alcohol, is ready to share his knowledge with others.
中文: 这位年近九旬的老人是一名素食主义者且从来不抽烟或喝酒,他准备将自己的养生之道与他人分享。
英文: To return to our earlier analogy, if the Martian became accustomed to a world exclusively populated by octogenarians and then was suddenly presented with a group of babies, he might ask for proof that these babies and the senior citizens were even the sam
中文: 回到我们先前的类比,如果火星人已经习惯了只有80岁人口的世界,忽然出现了一群婴儿,他可能会要求一些证据,证明婴儿与老年人是否为同一类的生物。