英文: As the story is told in the Homeric Hymn, the Hymn to Hermes, Maia was a nymph, but Greeks generally applied the name to a midwife or a wise and gentle old woman, so the nymph appears to have been an ancient one, one of the Pleiades taking refuge in a cav
中文: 作为一个流传了《荷马史诗》的故事,每亚是一位美丽的少女,但希腊人通常把她的名字加于接生婆或者明智和文雅的老妇人身上,因此美丽的少女已经成为了古老的一位,昴宿星团的其中之一,到阿卡狄亚的山洞里寻求庇护。
英文: In the Homeric Hymn to Demeter, Hermes conducts the Kore safely back to Demeter.
中文: 在《荷马史诗》中有关得墨忒耳的部分,赫密士引导科尔安全地返回得墨忒耳身边。
英文: People notice that unless he/she is a dolce vita in the mainstream, a feeling émigré, like Milan Kundera, cannot but look back and sing with a heart throbbing with emotion worthy of a Homeric epic: “Alone, in a sadness sublime,/And tears come!”
中文: 大凡游子多愁,若非佼佼然逞志于他国者,其必如米兰·昆德拉氏,不能不回望前尘,心怦怦动,于焉萌苏之情,何其渊默,即以荷马诗史出之,亦不爲过:“独怆然而泪下”(见第?