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sheet metal

金属片\n【机】 金属片

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英文: A rapid manufacture technique of large moulds for sheet metal forming was presented, which was based on discrete cavity mould (DCM).

中文: 摘要提出了基于离散型面模的毛坯曲面构件快速成型技术,并介绍了离散型面调节机械手的构成与工作原理。        更详细...
英文: ACE pay more attention to fetching in and training of person with ability, and has attracted many employees professional in sheet metal to service ACE.

中文: 公司注重人才的培养和引进,吸引了一批钣金专业人员在艾西依的旗帜下忘我工作。        更详细...
英文: ALLGEMEINE METALLVERFORMUNG WEHLE GMBH - over the sales management you can receive offers and prices by telephone on Deep-drawing parts, Sheet metal works, Spun metal parts in addition to Pressed parts, Sheet metal building group, Brazing and/or on Shapin

中文: ALLGEMEINE METALLVERFORMUNG WEHLE GMBH是一家令客户满意的企业,该企业制造杰出的钢板制备,钢板组件,压力构件,金属压制部件,硬焊,深冲工件,成型变形。        更详细...
英文: AMADA is a specialized Japanese company in manufacturing sheet metal working equipment, its main products are NC shearing machines, NC punching presses, NC press brakes, Large-sized laser cutting machines and fully automatic sheet metal working line.

中文: 天田(AMADA)公司是日本专业生产钣金加工设备的公司,其产品有数控剪床、数控冲床、数控折弯机、大型激光切割机和全自动钣金加工流水线。        更详细...
英文: Abstract: In this paper,first FE simulation algorithms for contact search,contact constraint,and the calculation of contact and friction loads were established based on the analysis for contact friction problem in sheet metal forming.Then the FE simulatio

中文: 文摘:本文在分析了板料成形过程接触摩擦问题特点的基础上,提出了接触搜索、界面滑动约束、法向接触力以及摩擦力计算等问题的有限元模拟算法,建立了板料成形过程接触摩擦问题的有限元模拟模型,最后通过数值算例与飞机蒙皮拉形模拟试验结果的比较,验证了此模型计算精度及数值稳定性良好。        更详细...

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