英文: About poplin shirts we offer, considering our long-term business relationship between us, we are ready to allow a special discount of 5% for your present purchasing.
中文: 关于我们府绸衬衫报价事,兹考虑到你我之间的长期业务关系,对目前这批定货我们准备给你百分之五特别折扣。
英文: There is a great variety of silk fabrics, which can be classified by weaving techniques into plain fabric, satin, chiffon, paj, crepe, twill, gauze, velvet, poplin and silk knitting, and by design and color into dyed, printed and yarndyed fabrics in plain
中文: 绸缎品种繁多,按织法可分为绸、缎、绡、纺、皱、绫、纱、绒、葛、针织……各种提花、平素织品的染色、印花和色织绸;按质地可分为桑丝绸缎、柞丝绸缎、人造丝绸缎、合成丝绸缎和交织、混纺绸缎等。