英文: He learned how to seal an apartment to trap the natural gas and to prepare an explosion using that gas that would have maximum yield and destroy an apartment building.
中文: 他学会了如何密封整个公寓,使其存储足够的天然气,然利用这些天然气引发能量巨大的,足以摧毁整幢公寓大楼的爆炸。
英文: As Thailand's economy is based on agriculture, high-yielding crop production systems developed from best management practice or maximum yield research should be one of the possible solutions for providing sufficient agricultural production for a rapidly i
中文: 农业是泰国经济的基础,要为迅速增长的人口提供足够的农产品,可能的办法之一是采用由最佳耕作技术或最高产量研究发展而来的作物高产生产体系。
英文: Disease control must begin prior to establishing the maximum yield experiment by selecting fields that permit proper crop rotation, utilizing tillage and other cultural practices that minimize the chances of disease development, and selecting cultivars th
中文: 在布置最高产量研究试验前,首先应有病害防治措施,选择满足合理轮作的地块、采用减少发病可能性的耕作栽培措施、针对最易造成供试作物减产的病害选择抗病品种。
英文: He learned how to seal an apartment to trap the natural gas and to prepare an explosion using that gas that would have maximum yield and destroy an apartment building.
中文: 他学会了如何密封整个公寓,使其存储足够的天然气,然利用这些天然气产生最大当量,以摧毁整幢公寓大楼。
英文: It is considered that future maximum yield research in the region will be able to demonstrate that yield of 3500 exportable boxes/ha/year are possible with the adequate use of fertilizers, irrigation and other good management practices.
中文: 据信该地区将来最高产量研究将证明充足施用肥料、灌溉和其它良好管理措施能得到3500出口货箱/公顷/年的产量。