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coal seam

煤层\n【建】 煤层

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英文: According to the criteria, natural fracture zones of No.3 coal seam are divided into four grades and then the permeability distribution of No.3 coal seam is preestimated.

中文: 依据该标准将3号煤层天然裂隙划分为4级发育区,进而预测出3号煤层渗透率的分布概况。        更详细...
英文: According to the study on athrogene grouth state,Chengzihe growp middle and down section are divided into subsection,which is reference for stratum judgement and coal seam comparison in later geology exploration.

中文: 通过对火山碎屑岩发育情况的研究,重新对城子河组中下段划分亚段,为后期勘探时地质判层及煤层对比作参考。        更详细...
英文: Against the particularity of problem of gas bursting of Ⅱ(subscript 1) coal seam in Ludian gliding structure in west Henan, through a large amount of work of field surveys and interior research, and viewed from the basic theories of structural petrology,

中文: 摘要针对豫西芦店滑动构造区二(下标1)煤层瓦斯突出问题的特殊性,通过大量野外地质调查和室内研究工作,从构造岩石学基本理论着手,讨论了构造区矿井瓦斯地质灾害的表象、机理和构造控制作用。        更详细...
英文: Based on corresponding relationship of Gaussian curvature to macrofractures in coal seam and permeability, the classification criteria of Gaussian curvature method for forecasting natural fracture zones is put forward.

中文: 在分析高斯曲率与试井渗透率、煤层宏观裂隙的对应关系的基础上,提出了高斯曲率法的裂隙发育区分类标准。        更详细...
英文: Based on the discussion the peculiarity of computer identification of tectonic soft coal seam, implemented the computer automatically identification of tectonic soft coal seam with well log of coal seam using the method of stratifying with slope-variance

中文: 摘要在对构造软煤分层计算机识别的特殊性进行探讨的基础上,应用斜率方差分层、概率统计计算的方法,实现了煤层段的测井曲我对构造软煤分层的计算机“自动”识别。        更详细...

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