英文: Article 14 Any price supervisor or inspector who neglects his duties, commits irregularities for personal interests or by fraudulent means or shields or winks at any act of making exorbitant profits, shall be subject to administrative sanctions pursuant t
中文: 第十四条价格监督检查人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,或者包庇、纵容牟取暴利的行为的,依法给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。
英文: Article 221 Where a securities company submits any false document of certification or adopts any other fraudulent means to conceal any major fact so as to cheat for the securities business license or a securities company has any severe irregularity in the
中文: 第二百二十一条提交虚假证明文件或者采取其他欺诈手段隐瞒重要事实骗取证券业务许可的,或者证券公司在证券交易中有严重违法行为,不再具备经营资格的,由证券监督管理机构撤销证券业务许可。
英文: Police arrested seven suspected ticket touts at the Shun Tak Centre. The men are accused of obtaining complimentary ferry tickets to Macau through fraudulent means and then selling them.
中文: 警方在信德中心拘捕七名涉嫌炒卖黄牛船飞男子,控告他们利用欺骗手法得到一些往澳门船票赠券,然后转售市民。