英文: If, under special circumstances, the aforesaid goods must be transferred to, or sold in non-bonded areas, they shall be regarded as imported goods, and the persons concerned shall present import licence as prescribed by the State, and pay import duty and
中文: 如遇特殊情况需将货物转让、销售非保税区的,则视同进口,应交验国家规定的进口许可证,并缴纳进口关税和进口环节的产品税(增值税)或工商统一税。
英文: The duty that we imported the spare parts can counteract the tax that we should pay, but the quits import duty is more than the tax we should pay ,the amount is minus.
中文: 由于我们进口备件的关税可以抵扣我们的应缴税金,而现在可抵扣的进口关税大于我们的应缴税金,所以这个数(应交税金)是负数。