英文: Energizer Holdings, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is the parent company of Schick-Wilkinson Sword, the second largest manufacturer of wet shave products in the world.
中文: 劲量控股有限公司,总部设在圣路易斯?密苏里,是全球第二大手动刮胡刀制造商舒适-双剑的母公司。
英文: This function is described in Miraculous Pivot The upper energizer resembles a sprayer.This is a metaphor, which is used to describe the function of the upper energizer to sprinkle fog-like cereal essence.
中文: 这个功能在《灵枢》中被喻为“上焦如雾,这是一种隐喻法,通常用于描述上焦散精的功能。