英文: For one patient, this was the first time he had seen anything in half a century, after his sight was destroyed by retinitis pigmentosa, a virus that attacks retinal cells.
中文: 其中一个盲人,自从他的视力被色素性视网膜炎(一种侵袭视网膜细胞的病毒引起的)所损坏后,这是他半个世纪以来,首次有了视觉。
英文: In a series of 30 cases of retinitis pigmentosa, pigment epithelial alterations included mottling of the macula in 8 eyes (13.3%), bull's-eye pattern in 24 eyes (40%) and atrophy or hypopigmentation in 56 eyes (93.3%); macular edema with retinal thickenin
中文: 摘要对网膜色素变性症的病例30例60眼探讨其黄斑部病灶的情形,网膜色素上皮层变化中的杂色斑点病变见于8眼,频率为13.3%,牛眼样病灶见于24眼(40%),网膜脱色素病灶为56眼(93.3%);黄斑部浮肿之网膜增厚为30眼(50%),类囊胞浮肿为18眼(30%);其它变化包括中心窝反射消失或增宽为60眼(100%),网膜前纤维膜为58眼(96.7%),黄斑部出血和疑似网膜下新生血管各为1眼(1.7%)。
英文: In its hard-currency-based health economy, Cuba has tried to attract foreign patients from all over the world, who come for the country's inexpensive or unique therapies, such as a surgery for retinitis pigmentosa or vitiligo treatment with a substance ex
中文: 在以强势货币为交易基础的健康产业上,古巴试图以价廉或是独特的疗法,吸引来自全球各地的外国病人,例如针对色素性视网膜炎的手术,或是以人类胎盘萃取物对付白斑病等疗法。
英文: Retinitis pigmentosa, or R.P, is a form of retinal degeneration.
中文: 视网膜炎或R.P是视网膜变性的一种。
英文: With its low power needs, this silicon retina could pave the way for a total intraocular prosthesis—with camera, processor and stimulator all implanted inside the eye of a blind person who has retinitis pigmentosa or macular degeneration, diseases that da
中文: 由于低功率需求,这个矽视网膜可以继续发展成为配备有摄影机、处理器与刺激器,且可完全植入眼球的人工视网膜,应用在因色素性视网膜病变或黄斑退化而造成感光细胞受伤、节细胞却仍然完好的盲人眼里。