英文: As the official residence of the Dalai Lamas, the Potala Palace was representative of the region's former theocracy.
中文: 布达拉宫是历代达赖的住锡地,也是西藏政教合一的典型建筑形式。
英文: King Songtsen Gampo*s reign saw the establishment of the Jokhang and Ramoche temples and the construction of a fort on the site of what much later was to become the Potala palace in Lhasa.
中文: 松赞干布统治时代修建了大昭寺和小昭寺,还在很久以后成为拉萨布达拉宫的地方修筑了一座堡垒。
英文: Known as the museum of Tibetan history, the Potala Palace is a treasure house with a large collection of valuable handicrafts, seals, goldware, jadeware, Buddhism classics, medical, historical and literature books, various Buddhist sculptures, frescoes an
中文: 布达拉宫中保存着明清两代皇帝封赐西藏官员的封诰、印鉴、金册、玉册、和工艺品、经文、医学、历史、文学书籍以及各类佛像、壁画、唐卡、法器等大量珍贵文物,是“西藏历史的博物馆”。
英文: We wait for seven hours outside Potala palace to buy the ticket of next day.
中文: 我们在布达拉宫门口排队七小时买第二天的票。