英文: Bedford palace, complete plans, security system, soup to nuts.
中文: “贝德福皇宫,完整的规则,安全系统,从头到尾!”
英文: How can a nation that can barely feed its own people afford to go to war?they ask.
中文: “一个民族怎样能够勉强养活自己的人民有能力打仗?”他们提出的问题。
英文: I have to wear the helmet again this season for medical reasons - I can't afford to take another knock on the head without it because the doctors tell me there is still a really high risk of it breaking again.
中文: “由于受伤的关系我不得不带上头盔比赛,我的头部不能再被撞一次了,医生告诉我如果保护不当我很可能再次受伤。”
英文: I was in my car once, near the Trafford Centre on the outskirts of Manchester, when he rang me on my mobile phone.
中文: 我曾在曼彻斯特离老特拉夫德中心不远的地方,在车里接他打来的电话.
英文: It really has knocked our research team sideways to find that after a decade-long international study, pigeons appear to ignore their inbuilt directional instincts and follow the road system,said Prof Tim Guilford, reader in animal behaviour at Oxford Uni
中文: 牛津大学动物学系动物行为学教师提姆·吉尔福德教授说:“经过长达十年的国际研究,我们发现鸽子似乎忽视了它们天生的识途本能,反而沿着道路体系飞行,这着实让研究小组大吃一惊。”