英文: And a Soviet policemen in the Communist era decides to show his son what he does for a living, treating him to a day of watching father beat and torture innocent people.
中文: 共产主义时期的苏联一位警察决定让儿子知道他是怎么谋生的,有一天带他参观父亲是怎样殴打折磨那些无辜的人。
英文: Every defendant is entitled to a day in court.
中文: 每个被告都有机会出庭答辩
英文: Let's recall the pleasant past and mirthful laughter and look forward to a day reunion of friends coming from far and wide.
中文: 回忆愉快的往事,怀念欢乐的笑声;天涯海角盼相聚,你我何时重相逢。
英文: Of course, the most famous legend is the one surrounding the lady living in the moonthat dates back to ancient times, to a day when ten suns appeared at once in the sky.
中文: 当然最出名的要数,追述于远古时代有10个太阳的时代的关于“住在月亮上的女人”的故事。
英文: We look forward to a day when any drug can be administered at the right time, in the right dosage, anywhere in the body with specificity and efficiency.
中文: 我们衷心期待,有朝一日,任何药物都可以用最适时、最适量、有效而且专一的方法,投送到身体的任何一个地方。