英文: Results The imaging of X - ray and CT showed massive patchy shadow or multiple small patchy shadow ( /7, 8.%),Cavity(/7, . % ), miliary tuberculosis (/7, .8%) and pleural effusion (/7, . 8% ).
中文: 果 7例糖尿病肺结核患者,其X线表现为:大片状及多发小片融合性高密度影( /7,8.%),边缘模糊,空洞(/7,.%),粟粒性结核(/7,.8%),合并胸腔积液(/7,.8%)。
英文: The physical sign and clinical symptom such as febris, cough, expectoration, thoracalgia, wheeze, the disappearance of pulmonary rale and the time of patchy shadow disappearance in X-ray plain film were all observed.
中文: 观察患者临床症状和体征发热、咳嗽、咯痰、憋喘、胸痛、肺罗音消失和胸部X射线平片表现阴影吸收所需时间。