英文: A blind man who was convicted of dangerous driving after he admitted being behind the wheel of a car that touched 35 mph was given a three-month suspended sentence on Monday.
中文: 在英国,有这样一位不寻常的驾驶者,此人在明知自己双目失明的情况下仍然开车上路且时速达到每小时56.3公里,而他最终也因这种极其危险的举动而在9月11日被法庭给予了3个月监禁缓期执行的处罚。
英文: Sentenced to temporary imprisonment in a confirmed judgment, but has not been granted a suspended sentence or permitted to commute his sentence upon payment of a fine.
中文: 受有期徒刑以上刑之宣告确定,而未为缓刑或易科罚金之宣告者。