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a.必需的,必要的;必然的 n.必需品

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英文: [Article 14] Drug warehouses shall lay down and implement a system of rules and regulations for the storage of drugs and take measures necessary in relation to cold storage, protection against damp, and protection from insects, rodents, etc.

中文: 第十四条药品仓库必须制定和执行药品保管制度,采取必要的冷藏、防潮、防虫、防鼠等措施。        更详细...
英文: [Article 30] In order to import or export narcotic drugs or psychotropic drugs which come within the scope laid down by the department of the State Council administering health, it is necessary to hold an Import Licenceor Export Licenceissued by the depar

中文: 第三十条进口、出口麻醉药品和国务院卫生行政部门规定范围内的精神药品,必须持有国务院卫生行政部门发给的《进口准许证》、《出口准许证》。        更详细...
英文: [Investment orientation] continuous construction project, it is necessary to introduce foreign investment to expand production size, with mature sales channel, and good prospect.

中文: 属于续建项目,企业需要引进外来资金扩大生产规模,产品销售渠道成熟,前景看好。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] Go with these, and make yourself clean with them, and make the necessary payments for them, so that they may be free from their oath: and everyone will see that the statements made about you are not true, but that you put yourself under rule, and ke

中文: 你带他们去、与他们一同行洁净的礼、替他们拿出规费、叫他们得以剃头.这样、众人就可知道、先前所听见你的事都是虚的.并可知道、你自己为人、循规蹈矩、遵行律法。        更详细...
英文: [bbe] So let Bezalel and Oholiab get to work, with every wise-hearted man to whom the Lord has given wisdom and knowledge, to do whatever is necessary for the ordering of the holy place, as the Lord has given orders.

中文: 比撒列和亚何利亚伯、并一切心里有智慧的、就是蒙耶和华赐智慧聪明、叫他知道作圣所各样使用之工的、都要照耶和华所吩咐的作工。        更详细...

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