英文: A gradient is a smooth transition from one color to another. In addition, several color transitions can be applied to the same element.
中文: 渐变是自一种颜色到另一种颜色的逐渐过渡。另外,多个颜色渐变可以应用到相同的元素上。
英文: Of course, the shift from advocation of system and mechanism in management to that of emphasizing culture and value pursuit requires delicate and careful arrangement when devising systems and mechanisms, in order to promote the smooth transition from a ma
中文: 当然,在学校从崇尚制度与机制的管理走向注重文化与价值追求的管理,需要人们在制度与机制设计时精心地加以安排,从而,有助于顺利地实现从依靠规范的管理走向超越规范的管理。
英文: Smooth transition while changing from one animation to the other.
中文: 帧与帧之间可实现平滑变换。
英文: The next step explains how to get the smooth transition as shown on the left hand side of the image.
中文: 下一步计划,我们如何得到如下面左侧图光滑过渡。
英文: Then use the same screw to adjust for a smooth transition from idle to full throttle.
中文: 然后使用低速油针调整从怠速到全速引擎都能平顺运转。