英文: Family Communication - a modern family education program for parents.
中文: 《知心家庭》--大型现代家教节目。家长的朋友,教子的桥梁。
英文: For this stage, however, I was relieved when all the degree requirements were finally fulfilled and I received my Master degree title, summa cum laudefrom the head of the education program at UNC.
中文: 然而至此,我终于松了口气,我达成了所有的需要条件并且在北卡大学教育计画以〝优等成绩总结性论文〞拿到了我的硕士学位。
英文: Huang, Nei-yuh(1999)。 Home Economics Education Program in Taiwan. Illinois Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers' Association State Conference, USA.
中文: 黄迺毓(1999)。幼教的亲职教育。发表于『幼儿教育研究的昨日、今日与明日-开创幼教新纪元学术研讨会。行政院国家科学委员会、台北市立师範学院。
英文: International Student Stream: for applicants who have graduated from a post-secondary education program in Manitoba, have a job offer related to their field of studies and have been issued a post-graduation work permit allowing them to work in Manitoba.
中文: 申请人自曼省毕业(大专以上学业),获得与他们专业有关的工作合同,并且获得在曼省的毕业生工作许可。
英文: Master/Doctor Degree will be awarded in if education program required accomplished.
中文: 如果通过所有课程的考试、答辩合格,将于年月获得博/硕士学位。