英文: Cooking alcoholic beverages: alcoholic beverages utilizing liquor made from cereals or other starch-containingplants added with ethyl alcohol after saccharification as a base, or utilizing brewed alcoholic beverages, distilled spirits or ethyl alcohol dir
中文: 五)料理酒︰以榖类或其他含淀粉之植物性原料经糖化后加入酒精制得产品为基酒;或直接以酿造酒、蒸馏酒、酒精为基酒﹔加入百分之零点五以上之盐,添加或不添加其他调味料,调制而成供烹调用之酒。
英文: during saccharification, the use level of high protein barley controlled below 0 %, saccharification temperature dropped at ℃, the proportion of dextrin and maltose as ∶8., pH value of sweet mash and boiling wort as .~. and .~. respectively;
中文: 在糖化过程中 ,高蛋白含量大麦用量控制在 0 %以下 ,降低糖化温度为℃ ,糊精与麦芽糖的比例控制在∶8. ,调整糖化醪的 pH为.~.,煮沸麦汁的 pH为.~.;