英文: All that structural stuff was good,Jones said. This is more of a compression injury and basically a bruise around the spine -- not the spinal cord, but the spine itself.
中文: “整体的结构都很完好”,琼斯说,“很有可能是压伤,在脊柱附近的擦伤,致使脊柱,脊髓没有任何问题。
英文: Although physically weak, he remained completely lucid and enjoyed speaking with many of his friends worldwide over the past few weeks,it said.
中文: 网站还说:“在过去的几个星期里,尽管身体非常虚弱,他还能和来自世界各地的朋友进行清晰愉快的交谈。”
英文: An 11-degree warmer world would be a dramatically different world.
中文: 如果地球温度升高11度,那么世界将完全变样.
英文: Baseball typically does three games,Cashman said. He has the appeals process, and it seems steep. He'll go through it with his representatives and have their day in court.
中文: 现金男说:棒球通常禁赛三场。他能够走裁决程序,且四场似乎太严格了。他将会与他的代表们处理这事情并且上法庭去。
英文: Basically speaking, as far as the role India currently plays in Asia is concerned, her motives and capabilities are not sufficient motivation for the United States to improve US-Indian relations, Limaye concluded.
中文: “基本上讲,以印度目前在亚洲扮演的角色而言,她的动机和能力都不足以让美国提升美印的关系,”勒美最后总结说。