英文: By using optical cable communication methods, which have advantages of great information transmission capacity, rapid velocity, wide frequency band, strong anti-jamming capability, low circuitry loss and easy construction, modern sky-wave over-the-horizon
中文: 通过采用光纤传输技术,利用其信息传输容量大,速度快,频带宽,抗干扰能力强,线路损耗低,易于施工等特点,实现全相参雷达的信息传输和系统控制,具有优良的保密性,稳定性、抗干扰性和抗摧毁能力。
英文: Circuitry construction tools produced by our company are more than eight hundred of kinds in 18 series,which are suitable for foundation construction,tower group sets up the pole、a thread constructs、cable construction,optical cable construction,such as en
中文: 公司生产的线路施工机具包括用于基础施工,杆塔组立、架线施工、电缆施工,光缆施工等工序的18大类800余种产品,如机动绞磨、绝缘架空电缆及高压电缆剥皮器,各类铝合金抱杆,以及导、地线卡线器、高强度卸扣、棘轮扳手与尖扳手、双钩紧线器、起重滑车、尼龙轮或铝轮放线滑车等,系列全、品种多,产品具有工艺精湛,质量可靠等特点,在国内外同行业中有较高的信誉。
英文: The company has been undertaking projects such as power delivery and distribution system for alternating currents of 110 KV and below, smart architecture system, channel and optical cable laying project for communication system, computer network system, a
中文: 公司一直从事110KV及以下送变电和配电系统工程、建筑智能化系统工程及通讯系统的管道和光缆敷设工程、计算机网络系统工程、有线电视网络、机电安装与城市道路照明等工程。
英文: This method can be used in the early detection of undersea optical cable injury.
中文: 使用这种方法可以早期发现海底光缆的损伤。
英文: Discussion on the Standard of Optical Cable Spicing Loss
中文: 光缆接续损耗标准的探讨