英文: It is easy for the Chinese chess player to sacrifice pieces because she is a rook up and seeks to draw the game.
中文: 对中国选手来说弃子很容易,因为她多一车并且(只是)想和棋。
英文: The “Chuanweiguan Cup” Chinese Chess and International Chess Open Competition for Hangzhou Primary Students was held in Hangzhou Chess House on Yugu Road from Jan. 1st to Jan 3rd, attracting more than 200 children, who immediately heated up and jammed the
中文: 1月1日到3日,本该是处于元旦节日休憩气氛的玉古路杭州棋院一片热腾,正忙着举办“川味观杯”杭州市小学生象棋、国际象棋公开赛的棋院工作人员有些始料未及,一场小小的象棋比赛一下子吸引两百多杭州伢儿,把棋院本不宽敞的场地堵个水泄不通。
英文: This is a Chinese chess term used figuratively to mean belated action or advice.
中文: 中国象棋术语,这里是指行动或言论落后于形势,晚了。
英文: Tom plays Chinese chess very well.
中文: 汤姆中国象棋下得非常的好。