英文: 7 At American restaurants you are usually served tap water before you order.
中文: 7在美国餐馆,你通常在点菜之前会得到一杯饮用自来水。
英文: A large outbreak a few weeks ago contaminated the lake and resulted in the shutdown of tap water to about 2 million residents in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.
中文: 蓝藻的大面积爆发开始于几星期以前,并污染湖泊,致使二百万江苏省无锡市居民断水。
英文: After the heavy rain washed off the toxic waste illegally dumped in Geohiong (Kaohsiung)'s water plant, the tap water authority determines that the water even though odorous is now safe to use but not drink.
中文: 高雄水道水去乎郎偷倒毒品了后经过大雨冲过,水犹是有怪味,但是水公司化验耶结果是会使用,毋倘饮。
英文: Authorities cut the tap water supply to more than two million people last week after an algae bloom smothered the lake, producing unpleasant tastes and odors in tap water.
中文: 上个月,太湖流域蓝藻暴发,引发水质变坏,造成自来水散发出难闻的气味,有关当局切断了两百多万人口的水源供应。
英文: Can I have a carafe of water, please? Mineral water, sir? No, ordinary tap water will do.
中文: 请给我拿瓶水来,好吗?是矿泉水吗,先生?不,普通自来水就行。