英文: By looking at suits and coats from the 1940S and 50s, I have created a range of six outfits using wool, velvet and embroider georgette for age 7-8 years.
中文: 通过看四、五十年代的上衣和外套,因此,作品采用羊毛、天鹅绒,以及有7-8年之久的带有绣花的乔其纱来制作,以表现茁壮成长的孩子。
英文: Designing idea: This work portrays a wild and energetic kid's image . Materials are black denim, printed georgette ,and black with white spotted cotton fabric .
中文: 设计构思:作品反映了一个充满野性和激情的儿童世界,面料选用的是黑斜纹布料,其上附有一层乔其纱,以及黑色带有白点的纯棉布料,表现了动感、激情、活泼、狂野的新时代儿童。