英文: At last, based on above analysis, we design and implement an intelligent forecasting system for plant diseases and insect pests, which integrates the methods above-mentioned.
中文: 最后,我们基于上述对诊断和预测方法的分析,设计并实现了一个病虫害智能预测系统。
英文: Now we are building the transmission center which includes: CA cold -storage warehouses, information management system, detection system of agriculture chemicals residue, inspection system of plant diseases and insect pests, fruit processing system, packi
中文: 目前,我公司正在进行库尔勒香梨物流配送中心项目的建设,该物流配送中心是集保鲜储藏、信息管理系统、农药残留检测,病虫害检疫、冷藏运输、自动加工分检、物流包装为一体的现代化物流配送中心。
英文: Polyploid watermelon has many virtues such as seedless, high yield, good tolerance and transportation, high resistance to plant diseases and insect pests, and also high central soluble solids content.
中文: 摘要多倍体西瓜具有少籽、丰产、耐贮、对病虫害抗性较强、抗逆性好、果实含糖量高等优点。
英文: There are great advantages in developing seed induatry in the contiguous areas of Shanxi,lnner Mongolia,Shanxi,Gansu and Ningxia,adequate illumination,great difference in temperature between day and night,few serious plant diseases and insect pests.The se
中文: 晋蒙陕甘宁5省区接壤区包括山西省吕梁地区、忻州地区、内蒙古自治区伊克昭盟、陕西省的榆林地区、延安市、宁夏回族自治区银南地区和甘肃省庆阳地区.这7个地市具有大致相同的经济基础、政治背景和文化传统,相同或相近的农业生产条件,又是全国西部地区的能源基地.随着农业生产和国民经济的迅速发展,优质种子供不应求.大力发展接壤区种子生产,建立全国乃至世界范围的种子生产基地,不仅可以缓解种子的供求矛盾,而且也可充分发挥该区农业的优质生态资源条件,对加快西部地区开发建设具有重大的现实意义,也可使该地区农业生产迅速上一个新台阶
英文: This system has four modules: data management, data pretreatment, plant diseases and insect pests diagnose and forecast, forecasting-modal management.
中文: 该系统集成多种诊断和预测方法,由数据管理、分析预处理、病虫害诊断/预测、预测模型管理四大功能模块组成。